What name should I choose for my mailing list

Try to make it as descriptive as possible. We recommend that your list name should be 6 to 21 letters and/or numbers long. The only punctuation permitted is the hyphen (same as a minus sign): "-".

Where possible, please start your suggested list name with the initials of the relevant faculty or department, such as "MHS-", "FLS-" or "ITS-".

For example, the list for staff in IT Services is called "ITS-STAFF", the list for the Humanities eLearning Network is called "HUM-ELEARN-NET" and the list for the Ellen Wilkinson Building User Group is called "ELLENWILKINSON-UG".

Your list name should reflect the topic of the list in question.

 What should my List Description be?

Please supply a one line description of the list, which can be up to 45 characters in length.

For example: Manchester table tennis players

What is the difference between "List Description" and "Long List Description"?

The Long List Description can contain more detailed information regarding the purpose of the mailing list. Both descriptions must be provided, however, if you aren't sure what to put for the long description, just use a copy the short description.

Who is the List Owner?

This is the person who is responsible for administering the list. They will normally also receive any email messages that the list generates, which includes errors, subscription information, delete information and so on. The list owner must use a University of Manchester email address. List owners are subscribed to their own lists by default. Lists can have more than one owner.

The list owner decides who can subscribe to the list, who can send messages to the list, and can also delegate those decisions to other people.

Who can send to the list?

There are three main  types of lists:


Regardless of the subscription option selected, any member may unsubscribe at any time, and the owner will be notified when this action is taken.

Acknowledgement of messages sent and copy to self

Normally, there's not really any point in having either of these options set to "yes" because if there are any errors, the sender will get an error email sent back to them, and they will normally have a copy in their Sent Items folder. However, these options are available if you want them.


This option provides a default setting so that when someone clicks "reply", to respond to an email from the list, it will either reply to the whole list or just to the sender. However "reply-to sender" doesn.t prevent people from responding to the whole list - the list should be set up as a moderated list to prevent this happening.


If you would like your messages saving on the listserv server, please choose "yes". In most cases this isn't necessary, as people can save the messages in their own account, but the option is there for people that need it.

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